Since I have become a mother myself, my appreciation for my mother has grown significantly! I remember my childhood and all the things that my mom did, and as a kid, I just took them for granted. Now, I have a hard enough time keeping up my with my own two kids, keeping my own house clean, and doing all of the other chores that go along with having my own family like grocery shopping, cooking, chauffeuring to and from doctors' appointments and preschool. Suddenly I'm amazed at how my mom managed it all and still was able to raise polite, responsible (at least I like to think we are) Christian children. She made us breakfast almost every morning of my life, and I don't just mean cereal or a pop tart. She drove us to school most mornings so we could sleep as late as possible, and then we'd come home from what we thought was a stressful day at school to find our rooms clean, beds made, house sparkling, and a home-made meal on the stove. She went above and beyond in helping us with school projects and made our wants and needs her priority. She even picked up some house cleaning jobs in her "spare time" to have a little extra for braces, private school, and then later our social activites. Again, I'm simply amazed that she pulled it off, and I'm aspiring to do the same (although the big breakfasts and TASTY meals aren't my strong-point).
As a mother of boys, I am also deeply thankful for my mother-in-law who helped make my husband the amazing man, father, and husband that he is today. If he was anything like mine, then Carolyn deserves an extra jewel in her crown. I know how much I love my little boys and dread the day they grow up and I'll no longer be the only woman in their lives. My mother-in-law has always treated me like a daughter, not a son-stealer. She has fought cancer and beat the odds, and she's with us to celebrate another Mother's Day.
Above all of my other accomplishments in life, I count being a mom as the one that makes me the most proud. Of course, it also makes me crazy sometimes! I thought that teaching a roomful of hormonal middle-school students six periods a day was the most challenging task I would ever encounter. Wow, was I wrong! But even on those crazy days (which are pretty common) I wouldn't change it. I'm so thankful for my precious boys and the opportunity I have to stay home with them now and for my husband, who shares the ups and downs. Now if I can just somehow raise my boys to be polite, responsible, Christian young men...
Happy Mother's Day to all of you amazing, hard-working, under-appreciated moms!
Here's a little story that Bryson shared with me today. Enjoy!
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