Yesterday I got to peak inside and see the new little baby that is growing there. Even though this is number three, as soon as that baby appears on the screen, a big smile spreads across my face and I feel so happy! He/she was very active, moving his/her little arms and legs and extending his/her little body then curling up again. I was once again amazed. My sister went with me since Phillip wasn't able to make it. She had never seen a live ultrasound and was really amazed as well. I said, "So there's the little rascal that's causing me all of this trouble!" At this stage, he/she actually looks like a baby now. Of course, the head is really big and abdomen is really round, and those legs and arms look like sticks. I showed Bryson my pictures last night, and he said, "Mommy, what's wrong with our baby's nose?"
My ultrasound was at Perinatal Partners, the specialists that I saw with Avery and who gave us bad news seemingly weekly. My OBGYN referred me there because of my history. So, yesterday was supposed to be a measurement of the neck nuchal fluid and protein checks to see if this baby is at risk of congenital defects or chromosomal disorders. Avery's ultrasound was disheartening; his fluid was very prominent and his neck was way too thick. I have to admit, I've been quite nervous about this upcoming ultrasound, and it seemed like de ja vu as I walked into that dark room for the scan. This one, however, was much different! First, as I said the baby was moving. Avery rarely moved, even in ultrasounds. Secondly, although the baby wasn't quite long enough to do the official measurement, the tech and doctor agreed that the fluid in the neck is very thin, so that is a great indication at this point! The umbilical cord is difficult to see at this stage, but it also appeared that there were three vessels, unlike Avery's whose only had two. I left PP yesterday feeling relieved and excited. I know there is no guarantee that my baby will be healthy, but things are definitely looking up.
I have to give praise to the Lord. I told Phillip, "Surely God wouldn't let us have another sick baby!" But, sometimes God's plans aren't like ours, and I wasn't sure. Yes, I know, we are to give praise in good times and bad. That is something I've been learning for quite a while now, but this is something that I have really prayed about. I can't help but believe God saw our desperate prayers and our hearts' desire and is creating us a healthy little baby. I'll keep you all informed as the little miss/mister grows.
Thanks to all of you who have prayed for us as well!
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