“Where there is great love, there are always miracles.” ~Willa Cather

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Good Riddance 2011; Hello, New Year!

Well, we made it through Christmas, and it was a lovely day. Phillip and I were up early (around 7), creeping around, trying to get everything ready for our Christmas morning. He had to slip out to the van and get "Santa's" gifts since we were limited on hiding places in our room at RMH. Then, around 7:30, Phillip and I sat on the couch and listened to our babies snore. Finally, around 8:15, we started being exceptionally loud on purpose, trying to rouse them. Bryson sat up and rubbed his eyes, still half asleep. I said, "Bryson, Santa came last night," because there was some concern the night before that he wouldn't know we were at the Ronald McDonald House and not at home. He said, "Yeah! I knew he would find us!" Then chaos ensued. Bryson got to "help" open all of Avery and Emerson's gifts as well as his own. Our little room was a wreck! The best part was just having all three of my kids together. *Bliss*

The next morning, Avery started having blood in his stool. After the second one, we called the BMT doctor, and they had us bring him back to the hospital. He was readmitted for 5 days. His bleeding got worse that evening; at one point, he was just passing straight blood. Then, the bleeding stopped, and after a few days, he was discharged once again.

Now we're creeping up on a week since his last discharge. This is by far his longest time out of the hospital, and I'm hoping it's an indication that he is on the mend. Right now, I'm at the Ronald McDonald House with Avery. My other two kids are at my house with my mom, and Phillip went back to work this week after a month off. Avery has appointments almost daily across the street at the hospital that take up much of the day, and then my time at the RMH stays busy prepping and hooking up his 18 hour TPN, giving him 2 IV infusions of cyclosporine daily, and 5 meds through his nj in the am and 4 in the evening. He's still not eating or drinking much, but I sure spend a lot of time trying to feed him.

I have to say that this year has been difficult for sure. Besides the birth of my precious Emerson, my year has been filled with much stress and many disappointments. The separation from family has been so tough for me. I'm not sad to see 2011 come to an end. I can truthfully say that God has gotten us through...miraculously, because there is NO way Phillip and I could bear this on our own.

I'm looking forward to marking the next few months off my calendar of 2012 since one thing that has kept me sane is looking ahead. Surely, this year will be one that life starts to regain some normalcy and Avery's health begins to improve! I'm ready for a new beginning. But, I've learned that you never can tell what lies just around the corner for you. Thankfully, God knows. He's already there, and I'm trusting that He will provide the grace we need.

Happy New Year!

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