“Where there is great love, there are always miracles.” ~Willa Cather

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Sorry for the boring title this week. I'll blame it on the heat, because so far, this July has been HOT!

A month ago today, we brought Avery home. It has been FABULOUS having my family together! I have to admit, most days I'm busier than I've ever been. Little Em is a tornado that crawls through the house, making messes, scavenging for crumbs or anything else to eat, and she is teething...so, she is occasionally grumpy. Hard to believe that about my little princess, I know! Avery keeps me hopping too with all the feeds, meds, therapy sessions, appointments, etc. Bryson has been so helpful and entertains the others so well, but yes, he needs his mommy a lot as well. Some days I stay in my jammies and feel like I'm in a tri-athalon that has diaper changing as one of the main events!

This morning, I heard clapping coming from the boys' room. Bryson had climbed in our bed at some point during the night, so I left him and slipped in the bed with Avery. It was 7 a.m., and I was hoping I could coax Avery into a few more minutes of sleep. When I laid down next to him, he grinned his big grin and rolled toward me. He put one little arm under my neck and wrapped the other one around me. Then he stuck his open mouth on my cheek so I could feel his teeth (that's his version of giving kisses!). As I squeezed him back and said, "Thank you, Avery!", I could feel his body shaking as he was giggling. We just stayed in that position for several minutes, and then he would roll away for a minute, and come right back to kiss me again. With the other kids asleep, I just stayed in his little skinny arms and enjoyed those precious minutes. It was one of those moments that makes all the stress fade for just a moment.

That's just the way you have to take life sometimes: the good with the bad, the amazing with the ordinary, the joy with the sorrow, the peaceful with the REALLY LOUD! I'm thankful that God's mercies are new every morning because sometimes I must require a lot. Regardless of how it comes, no doubt about it, I have been blessed.

And here's what the little guy is doing now after he had the nerve to wake me up early... :)  It's what I'd be doing too if I could!

Hope all of my reader-friends are enjoying your summer and staying cool!

1 comment:

  1. There's no place like home and nothing more sweet than a little one's arms wrapped around Momma.
