“Where there is great love, there are always miracles.” ~Willa Cather

Friday, May 24, 2013

Family Portraits

I feel like these photos should come with some kind of disclaimer stating how they don't accurately reflect my stress level.  Actually, the photo shoot itself wasn't too bad...Sure, Em wanted to run off rather than stand where she was supposed to, Avery would rather clap and suck his fingers, and Bryson started with all kinds of strange smiles and poses and then quickly moved to the, "Can we be done already?" phase.  The planning of our clothing and then getting everyone dressed appropriately and hoping the weather and my little's attitudes were cooperative is what stressed this Mama out.  In the end, I think the camera captured well my little family, quirks and all.  I can't say we're the most photogenic crew, but we managed to accomplish the task of having a family picture taken. 

How blessed am I??!!!

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