“Where there is great love, there are always miracles.” ~Willa Cather

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Just a Little about My Kids

Well, we are into our third hospitalization for the month of April already. Yes, Avery has definitely spent more days inpatient than out, and his few days where he wasn't admitted, we were in Day Hospital for 5 to 10 hours getting drugs to fight this stubborn virus and boost his cell production. I could continue with all the reasons we're still here and how I'm wishing, wishing, wishing that we could move on to the next phase where we get to go home and watch Avery grow stronger.

Instead, I think I'll just share a few random things about my other kids. I don't get to spend nearly as much time with them as I'd like, and so I cherish the limited time I have with them or the stories and pictures my mom and sister share about their daily activities. It is these mundane pieces of information that keep me going somedays!

Bryson, as you may know, is quite a character. On my last trip home, we were driving down the road and there was some mangled animal in the road ahead. I tried to drive over it so that I didn't hit it again. Bryson said, "Hey mom, I think there's a hedgehog in the road up there." I just nodded and said, "Yeah, maybe." Then he said, "I think it's taking a nap in the road?" I paused for a moment, and then said, "Maybe!" I didn't want to burden him with the knowledge that the poor "hedgehog" was never waking up from that nap.

Then, I got permission for Bryson to come spend the day with Avery in the hospital on his birthday. When we got off the elevator, Bryson said, "Mommy, I can't wait to hear Avery talk today." I replied, "Ummm...what makes you think he's going to talk today?" Matter-of-factly, "Because he's four now, Mom. He can't stay a baby forever!" Some things are just too hard to explain to a child.

Then my sister texted me that Bryson asked her when Grace was going to get a brother or sister. Sarah told him that she didn't think she was getting one. Bryson said, "Why? Are you fixed? Cause if you're fixed that means you can't have babies!" Let me explain: Rodney and Sarah recently got their old dog, Maggie, back from Rodney's sister. When Maggie returned, she had been fixed, and Sarah told Grace and Bryson that dogs that were fixed couldn't have puppies. You've got to appreciate his logic!

Now, Miss Emerson is transforming from a passive baby to an active crawler that is always wanting what is just out of reach. Unfortunately, she goes better in reverse than forward. She has this habit of backing under the furniture or any little ledge, like the cabinets, and then she starts hollering like she's scared to death. Her little bum gets stuck under all kinds of things, and she just hasn't figured out how to get it out! She's also making the cutest faces. She wrinkles her nose into the cutest grin, and then she has this face that says, "I'm not sure if I'm scared or happy right now," where her mouth is turned up, but her eyebrows are raised and forehead furrowed like she is prepared to burst out into tears at any second. I'm loving every moment I get to be with her, and just am blown away by how quickly she is growing!

My mom told me yesterday that Emerson was crawling over to her dishwasher and looking at herself in the stainless steel surface. She had her arms spread, trying to hug herself, and then was putting her face against the door and kissing the baby. I guess admiring her reflection kept her occupied for quite some time...what a girl, right?

I'm sure I lost half of my readers already. I can't say I blame them. But I love observing and hearing about all the wonderful things my kids say and do as they grow. These precious moments will forever be precious memories!


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