“Where there is great love, there are always miracles.” ~Willa Cather

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Baby on the Way!!

I just want to share some exciting news! We found out yesterday that we're going to be having another baby in July. If you happen to be reading this, you may be like some others who gasp in shock and then tell us we will have our hands full. And we know we will. Or others who think that having another baby when we have two pretty high maintenance kids already is irresponsible. But we hope you all will just be happy for us and pray that the Lord will bless us with a healthy baby. That is our greatest desire right now.

I guess we have something else to add to our list of reasons to be thankful this holiday season!!

God Bless,

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Giving Thanks

This is the time of year that we officially set aside to give thanks for our blessings. I try to be thankful everyday, but on Thanksgiving Day, we make more of an effort to be with some of the people that we're so blessed to have in our lives and offer thanks together. If anything, this year I have learned that life is so fragile, that a good day can become a bad one so quickly, and that we must cherish the time we have with our loved ones. I, like many others, have an abundance of things to be thankful for!

First, I'm thankful for my little family: Phillip, Bryson, and Avery. We're an interesting group, that's for sure. We all have our flaws and imperfections, but we love each other more than life! I'm beyond blessed to be able to stay home with my boys.

Secondly, I'm thankful for my extended family and in-laws. What an amazing support system I have! And I have two sisters that are my best friends in the world. I don't want to take any of them for granted; I only wish we were able to spend more time together. Right now we're all healthy, and that is a HUGE blessing!

Next, I'm thankful for my husband's job! Security is a high priority for me. Phillip's job loss over the summer hit me hard, more emotionally than financially because I am such a worry-wart. Of course, God took care of us. But I'm so thankful that he is employed and has good insurance, which is so important with a kid like Avery.

I'm also thankful for our home, which my husband has so beautifully remodeled. And our automobiles...even the minivan :).

I guess those are all of the "big" things, but I'm thankful for all the "smaller" less typical things as well. I have a great part-time job that allows me to teach a couple nights a week when I want; Avery has made some progress developmentally - not much - but some; Bryson is thriving in preschool and becoming such a sweet little boy; our church has had a lot of great services lately; although I don't get to spend much time with them, I have many great friends. Most of all, I'm thankful for salvation and God's mercy!

I could write the world's longest blog ever by continuing to list my blessings, but I guess I'll stop. May you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

These Are the Days

These are the days where a good night's rest is no longer in my vocabulary, nor is it an expectation, and my house is never quite clean even though it seems I clean up an awful lot of messes.

These are the days when I hardly recognize the woman with the dark circles and tired skin staring at me in the mirror, and where I spend my time comparing prices on grocery items rather than browsing a clothing store...and my wardrobe will vouch for that!

These are the days when I feel like a circus act juggling appointments and busy schedules, like a failure when my overactive four-year-old misbehaves, and completely helpless when Avery is sick.

These are the days when my back aches from all the tugging and lifting of my son with special needs, and my bath time is usually interrupted by a little red-head shouting, "Mom-mmmyyyy!"

These are the days when we do a lot more eating at home than we used to, and we choose our restaurants by their child-friendliness.

These are the days when I feel like my brain has turned to mush from spending the majority of my time interacting with toddlers, and I only dream of spending quality time with my husband.

But these are the days when I realize time is going by way too fast, and if I could only slow it down, I would, and I can't help but feel pride and unexplainable love looking into my two little boys' eyes.

These are the days when my college degrees and career mean absolutely nothing in comparison with spending time with my children, and living on a tight budget is a sacrifice I'm willing to make.

These are the days when sticky hugs and drool-ly kisses make my heart melt, when conversations with Bryson make me laugh, and seeing Avery's perfectly innocent smile and hand claps make me want to scoop him up and never put him down.

These are the days when I have developed an even deeper love for my husband as the father of my children.

These are the days that will become memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life, and I know that what I will remember won't be the sleepless nights, out-of-style clothing, and tight budget. I am BLESSED beyond imagination to get to spend this time of my life with the precious family that God has given me!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My Thoughts on a Quiet Morning!

I'm going to take advantage of this quiet morning to post some of the goings-on around here and a few of my muddled thoughts! We're already over a week into November; I just can't believe how quickly this year is wrapping up.

I'm heading to Indiana for a few days this weekend. Veteran's Day gives Avery a day off school and me a night off from teaching, so the boys and I are gonna pack up and go visit Mom and Dad. I'm really looking forward to it, and I know my mom is too!

The holidays are approaching, and I think the Hoskins' side of my family is in some ways dreading them. I always love this time of year, but I am reluctant to celebrate without Carolyn. It's going to be tough, but by God's grace, we'll make it through. I'm thankful that for the last couple of years since she's been sick, we made sure we were home for the holidays rather than traveling to/from my parents. I've got some great pictures and memories that will last a lifetime. Last year she wasn't feeling up to cooking, and I tried my hand at making fudge for our get-together. The recipe I used flopped (or maybe it was the cook!), so I gave her a call and got her recipe. I was able to make two batches pretty easily. I'm glad that I took the time to get it from her. Regardless of where the recipe came from, it will always be "Carolyn's fudge," and I think I'll give it a try again this year. A few days ago, Bryson and I stopped for a visit at the cemetery. While I want Bryson to remember Mammaw Carolyn, I'm also careful in the way that I talk about her because he gets upset. When we got out of the van and started walking toward her grave, he said, "Mommy, is she still dead?" Of course I told him yes. Then he said, "She's buried under the dirt, Mommy!" Then he spread his arms wide like he was a superhero and started running toward the little mound of dirt. He said, "Don't worry, Mammaw. Bryson's going to save you!" Then he said, "Let's get this dirt off of her!" Poor guy. It's a tough thing to explain to a four-year-old. He ended up leaving a Frankenstein Halloween sticker for her that he was confident she would like. I have no doubt that coming from one of her grandkids, she would have loved it.

We've been enjoying an "Indian summer" for the last few days with temps in the upper 60's. It has been lovely, and Bryson has been enjoying the outdoors once again. Avery has been going to school, clapping his hands, and doing what he does best, SMILE! He's also had a difficulty with this time change, or at least that's what I'm blaming his difficulty going to bed the last few nights on. Shew, I hope he gets through this soon!

Personally, I've been thinking a lot about ways that I can reach out to others. I feel like over the last two years especially, so many people have reached out to us and I haven't given back at all! Phillip said something in his preaching the other night about God saving us to serve, not to sit. That has really stuck with me and reminds me of what another preacher once said about we can either be a sponge or a spring. I definitely want to be a spring; I definitely want to serve! Of course our first obligations lie with service to God and our family. As other busy mothers out there would agree, sometimes it's easy to stop right there! I get so busy with proper discipline of Bryson, spending quality time with him, changing & feeding Avery, taking him to his scheduled therapies and appointments, and getting us all to church on time three services a week...sometimes serving others just doesn't happen! So, I've been making a real effort for the last couple of weeks to reach out. I'm not able to do much, but I've been trying to just call and check on someone who I know has gone through something, send a few cards, and cook a meal for a friend. That Casting Crowns song, "If We are the Body" is one of my favorites, and it's words are so powerful!
If we are the body
Why aren't His arms reaching
Why aren't His hands healing
Why aren't His words teaching
And if we are the Body
Why aren't His feet going
Why is His love not showing them there is a way
There is a way

I don't want to get so wrapped up in my own busy personal life that I forget there's a world out there that's hurting too. I can't really do anything about the whole world, but I CAN reach out to those around me. Lord, open my eyes and heart to those who need you!

That pretty much sums up my thoughts and activities recently! I better make the most of what is left of this quiet house! Until next time...