“Where there is great love, there are always miracles.” ~Willa Cather

Saturday, November 13, 2010

These Are the Days

These are the days where a good night's rest is no longer in my vocabulary, nor is it an expectation, and my house is never quite clean even though it seems I clean up an awful lot of messes.

These are the days when I hardly recognize the woman with the dark circles and tired skin staring at me in the mirror, and where I spend my time comparing prices on grocery items rather than browsing a clothing store...and my wardrobe will vouch for that!

These are the days when I feel like a circus act juggling appointments and busy schedules, like a failure when my overactive four-year-old misbehaves, and completely helpless when Avery is sick.

These are the days when my back aches from all the tugging and lifting of my son with special needs, and my bath time is usually interrupted by a little red-head shouting, "Mom-mmmyyyy!"

These are the days when we do a lot more eating at home than we used to, and we choose our restaurants by their child-friendliness.

These are the days when I feel like my brain has turned to mush from spending the majority of my time interacting with toddlers, and I only dream of spending quality time with my husband.

But these are the days when I realize time is going by way too fast, and if I could only slow it down, I would, and I can't help but feel pride and unexplainable love looking into my two little boys' eyes.

These are the days when my college degrees and career mean absolutely nothing in comparison with spending time with my children, and living on a tight budget is a sacrifice I'm willing to make.

These are the days when sticky hugs and drool-ly kisses make my heart melt, when conversations with Bryson make me laugh, and seeing Avery's perfectly innocent smile and hand claps make me want to scoop him up and never put him down.

These are the days when I have developed an even deeper love for my husband as the father of my children.

These are the days that will become memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life, and I know that what I will remember won't be the sleepless nights, out-of-style clothing, and tight budget. I am BLESSED beyond imagination to get to spend this time of my life with the precious family that God has given me!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed reading your blog, hopefully someday I will have what you have ;)
