“Where there is great love, there are always miracles.” ~Willa Cather

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sleepless in Cincinnati

I wonder why everything seems so much worse at night? Am I the only one who lies in bed and thinks about things that wouldn't seem so problematic in broad day light, but keep me awake all night?

Tonight I'm wide awake thanks to Avery's constant coughing and choking. I have found myself half mad at his doctor and nurse practitioner who keep listening to him in clinic and telling me his lungs sound clear and surgery is too risky. If they could only hear him now! Poor little guy has no where for his saliva and mucous to go, thanks to an esophageal stricture that has his throat nearly closed, and he has been choking so badly over the last couple of weeks that he vomits. He looks at me with this look in his eyes, like "Do something!" Unfortunately, there's not much I can't do except pat him on his back and clean up the mess.

But it never fails. Fevers spike in the night, coughs get worse, anxieties and worries seem to get the best of me...

I guess the Psalmist must have felt the same way sometimes when he wrote "Weeping may endure for the night, but joy cometh in the morning." Psalm 30:5

Sometimes it's joy, sometimes it's peace and relief, and sometimes it's just clarity of thought, but mornings always seem to bring hope for a better day. I think one of the things that is going to make Heaven so wonderful is that there is no night there. It will be morning forever! I know that tomorrow, I'll be tired, and wonder why I couldn't just go back to sleep. So, now that I've vented just a bit, I'm going to lie back down, attempt to clear my head, and wait for day light.

Good night, friends...or should I say good morning? I'm not sure right now.

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