“Where there is great love, there are always miracles.” ~Willa Cather

Thursday, January 10, 2013


While Christmas is my most favorite time of the year, I'm glad it eventually ends.  All the fun just wears me out!

There's the build up to December 25th with all the shopping, wrapping, and special Christmas events like plays, lights, and such.  And then the day arrives with all of its fun festivities.  Here's what our Christmas morning looked like.

Then we spent the afternoon at Phillip's sisters house, which involved more presents and way too much eating.  Then it was an evening at my grandparents house with my parents.  By the time we made it home, we were exhausted and my house literally looked like a tornado had gone through it with all the clutter from gift opening and all the new toys.

My sister Rebecca flew in from Alabama on Christmas night with my little niece, Ava.  We spent the next day catching up on months worth of visiting and packing for our trip to Indiana.  The following day, we headed to Indiana for the Lakes family's version of Christmas, which included picking up Brandon from the Indianapolis airport, eating at a Japanese restaurant, and then plunging through 8 inches of snow to a cabin in Nashville, Indiana.  We had a ball there!  The kids and adults played in the snow, building an impressive snow man and throwing a few snow balls.  We ate.  Then we took turns getting in the hot tub.  We ate.  Then we lit a big fire in the fire place and thawed out.  We ate.  Then we pretended like we knew how to play pool on the billiard table (pretended being the key word).  We ate some more. 

 Several pounds heavier, we left the cabin for mom and dad's house, since the next day was Sunday.  We all went to church together at Tunnel Hill, and we did something that was LONG overdue...had Miss Em dedicated.  Yes, I realize that 17 months is a little old for the typical dedication, but we didn't get it done in the two months we had prior to Avery's transplant, then the year after that was out of the question if we wanted him to participate (which I did).  Since our family was actually all going to be in church together, it was a good opportunity to go ahead and do it.  She was much more wiggly than a newborn would have been, but she did pretty well.

By the time we headed home that evening from Indiana, we were almost dead on our feet.  Unfortunately, I had to drop Phillip off at the ER once we got into Dayton because he was having serious pain in his leg around an incision from a recent minor surgical procedure.  He was diagnosed with cellulitis and put on antibiotics...unfortunately again for us, they were the wrong antibiotics, and two days later the minor infection had turned into a pretty serious staph infection.  Phillip spent his first two days of 2013 in the hospital and has been off of work since.  He is recovering and should be cleared to return to work tomorrow.  This certainly wasn't how I had hoped to kick off 2013, but we've kind of learned to just roll with the punches. 

I think we've finally recovered from all the excitement of the holiday season and my house is returning to its normal state of affairs FINALLY as well.  We're not making any major new year's resolutions this year, but we're just hoping and praying that while last year was focused on Avery's health, this year we can re-focus on living closer to God and finding his direction for us.

And that just about wraps up our 2012 excitement.  Happy new year, friends!

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