I've gone and fallen off the wagon again with my blogging, but sometimes, life just happens! I just can't believe it is mid-August already. This has been one of the hottest summers I remember, and it has moved so quickly. There have been so many ups and downs since my last post, and I can't recount every detail, but perhaps I'll hit the highlights.
First, we're staying in our new house. Yes, the stinky, leaky, un-livable house that my husband has been working so diligently to remodel for us. It still is unfinished, but it's no longer stinky, leaky, or un-livable, so we're taking it one day at a time. We're slowing marking items off of our to-do lists, but it will take lots of time! I'm thrilled to be in our own space and excited with the outcome of the remodeling. I'm looking forward to the finished product!
Today is Bryson's birthday, and it's hard to believe that he is 4! It seems like yesterday he was a little, cuddly baby, and now he's so big and smart. He asked me if he gets to be the boss now that he's 4...like he's not already!! We had planned on being in Gatlinburg this week and celebrating his birthday there, but plans changed so we kept it low-key. We took him to McDonald's with his cousins and let him eat a happy meal and play on the playground. Then we took him to Toys R Us and let him pick out a couple of toys. It was simple but fun.
The reason that our Gatlinburg trip was cancelled was due to my mother-in-law's declining health. Her cancer is back and spreading, so her doctor admitted her to the hospital and began another round of chemo. We're praying that God will move once again for her.
Avery has also had some not-so-great days. He continues to puzzle the doctors, who are considering sending us to Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University, for a closer look. He had another seizure last week, scaring me to death again. (I don't think I'll EVER get used to them). And his eating is declining. He is getting to where he doesn't want ANYTHING in his mouth. So, we've changed all of his speech goals to feeding goals in therapy, and we're focusing on eating. I've gone back to whole milk and adding baby formula for calories, and I've also gone back to baby food, since he is choking so often now. It has been a constant struggle to get food in him, and I'm finding myself increasingly worried.
On a better note, our church had a great revival last week. I, and I believe many others, was challenged and convicted to get closer to God. I'm hoping that it was only the beginning of something great for our church!
I realize this was a pretty scattered post, but my life is a little scattered right now too! Until next time...
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