“Where there is great love, there are always miracles.” ~Willa Cather

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Tonight I'm writing from the sunny south; I'm in a little town called Citronelle, Alabama that my parents call home. In some ways, Alabama feels like a different country - not state, but it has a strange way of growing on you. The dirt is red, the skies are blue, and EVERYBODY waves at everyone else.

We made a rather spontaneous trip here for a visit in between Avery's doctor appointments. He was given a two week break from lab work, so we took advantage. I believe this is the longest break he's had from needles in about a year!

My mom and I have been shopping and eating at all our favorite spots. We've been dragging the kids with us, but they've been cooperating pretty well. We actually have Grace with us too! This is her first trip away from her parents, and she's handling it surprisingly well. Bryson has been riding the four-wheeler with my dad and begging to go fishing. I believe that will happen in the next day or so. We have a beach visit planned and of course, much more shopping! It's fun just to enjoy spending so much time with my parents and let my mom and dad spoil us a bit.

I've gotta run because my mom is home with the kids while I sit at a small restaurant in town using the wi-fi. I'll update with pics as soon as I can!

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