It's official: Spring fever has struck the Hoskins' house! I've been feeling the urge to attack the clutter that has built up throughout the winter. I've cleaned light fixtures & ceiling fans, windows & corners w/ cobwebs, and have now moved on to closets. I love cleaning out the boys' closets and sorting through their new spring wardrobes. Just looking at the colorful fabrics and organizing the boys' t-shirts, plaid shorts, and sandals makes me long for warmer weather and all the fun that goes with it!
Bryson has been asking me almost once an hour the last few days if he can go play outside. Of course, I tell him no because it's too cold. But I feel his pain as he looks longingly out our sliding glass doors at his swingset and the yard where the grass is finally visible. He has simply run out of things to amuse himself with indoors!
Avery's compromised immune system has had just about all of the winter sicknesses that one person can handle. He's been hospitalized with H1N1, RSV/pneumonia, and had bouts of bronchiolitis and ear infections in between. I can't wait to take him on walks in the stroller and let him try out his gait trainer on the sidewalk!
Phillip has never been a fan of cold weather, and who can blame him? He's the one who has to keep our driveway and sidewalks clear with each new snow. I've run out of positive replies to his occasional complaint of "I HATE snow!"
It seems like the sun is even getting a little impatient! It has been rising earlier, staying out longer, and shining full force. Yesterday, Bryson got out of bed and came into the kitchen where the sun was shining through our back patio doors. He said, "Mommy, why is the sun shining?" Poor guy has gotten so used to dreary days that the sunshine is unfamiliar.
So the house is starting to look fresh and clean, and the boys spring/summer clothes are organized in bags and boxes, just waiting for a more appropriate time to put them in the closet. I'm dreaming right along with Bryson of hot, sunny days where I can sit on my deck in a lawn chair reading a book while Bryson plays his heart out in the back yard with Avery watching us through the screen door. Enough already! Bring on the warm weather!
Here are a few pics from last spring/summer!
Loved the updates! I have been tackling the clutter as well. Just when I thought I would never be in the mood, it struck! Thank God! :)